author Daniela Fackler-Pichler

Daniela Fackler-Pichler


  • What are worms? Forms of infection with parasites. How are worms transmitted from person to person? Signs and symptoms of parasites in the body.
    13 April 2022
  • Taking the powder of the flowers of carnation, it is possible to achieve what its components to destroy parasites in all parts of the body. Component eugenol neutralizes the sensitivity of nerve endings worms and helps to cleanse the body from them.
    29 September 2019
  • Parasitic infestation can cause many other diseases and lead to dire consequences. That is why great attention should be paid to prevention.
    21 August 2019
  • Worms in the stool can be detected by means of fecal analysis. Find out how to look for helminth eggs and adult parasites in the stool.
    22 July 2019
  • Tansy is one of the most effective folk remedies for the liberation of parasites from the body. Its beneficial properties were discovered long before modern toxic medicines. A simple way of herbal treatment is tea.
    1 July 2019
  • To catch worms can be anyone — from Pets, using household appliances, dirty hands, raw fish or meat. Upon the slightest suspicion of infection with helminths, you should immediately consult a doctor.
    18 May 2019
  • Learn why there are parasites in the human body. The symptoms and treatment. Some parasites most common in humans? Diagnosis of parasites. Traditional methods of getting rid of parasites.
    8 May 2019