author Manfred



  • There are many folk remedies for parasites in the human body. When properly prepared and used, they are quick and effective.
    25 April 2021
  • Daily from the environment in a human body penetrates a huge number of bacteria, larvae and other pathogens which a healthy immune system successfully fights. But if a person does not adhere to the diet, the immune system is compromised and the parasites begin to multiply rapidly.
    1 October 2019
  • The purging of parasites consists of several stages: preparation of the stomach (the diet), enema, ingestion of medicines or use folk remedies. Methods of preparing folk remedies for a variety and each is easy to prepare.
    3 July 2019
  • Worms in children – unpleasant, but, unfortunately, a fairly common problem. To detect worms and to determine precisely the causative agent, only by a qualified technician.
    2 July 2019